Sunday 2 December 2012


Assalammualikum , hye . Nak cerite pasal HOTSTUFF . Aku tak tahu lah kan macam mane manusie-2 nih bole jadi HOT . Pelik . Kalau tak sombong takpe lah jugakkan ? Nih ? MasyAllah , weyh korang pun manusie lah . Tak payah nak kerek sangat kay . 1'st time korang buat FB bukan terus jadi HOT kan ? Sebok same update status cakap HOTSSTUFF sombong . Bile korang yang jadi HOT , korang pulak yang sombong . Kay aku mengaku , aku takde lah hot , aku COOL . Aku memang sombong , bukan dengan semue orang , yang tak handsome , budak-2 , letak DP entah ape-2 , Tu aku tak layan , tak handsome FITRAH PEREMPUAN right ? Pandang lelaki yang hadsome jek . HOTSTUFF ? Dieorang layan budak yang same taraf jek , yang same HOT . Friends yang dieorang kenal FtF jek dieorang layan . Seriusly , #BENCIHOTSTUFF .

Wednesday 28 November 2012

I'm Backkkkk

Assalammualaikum , lame tak update blog . Biase lah , dah tak ramai main blog . Kay just forget about it . Cerite yang same , still waiting true love aku . Bile entah nak jumpe , lame gile kay . Adekah die ? maybe kot , tapi die cakap dengan aku die suke senior die , tak mungkin tak mungkin . Siape wey siape , jodoh ditangan Allah . Hanye bole bersabar dan menunggu . Yeah hehe . Ade banyak cerite ni act , tak ingat , jap aehh . Haa haa , semalam anny 2 months fake kiteorang , haha , fake jek kay . Aku pelik jugak kenape die tag gambar die kat aku . Then malam , mase kiteorang skype die cakap 2 months , aku cakap balik " Patut lah kau tag gambar kat aku , kire anny lah ni ae " . Hahaha , kay tak funny pun . Seriusly , semalam die gile betul , tetibe YOU I dengan aku , ILOVEYOU aku lah , WHAT THEE ??!! Tak leyh buat ape , die akan jawab ni " Harini kan anny kite sayang " and I was .... *cengkerik . Layankan jeklah kepale die tuhh , sekali sekale . Tapi bosan harini kiteorang skype sekejap jek . Gadohh disebabkan aku tak on camera , tu pun nak mara -,- . Ape-2 pun aku tetap sayang kau . Nak jumpe kau , bile lah aku nak balik JB ni >< . Rindu nak jumpe semue orang . Arghh ! kay dah tak tahu nak cakap ape , ade mase aku update lagi . Assalammualaikum <3

Saturday 6 October 2012

. Haishh , aq harap sngt seyh nk jdi kwn baek kw . Tpi kw slalu tk lyn aq kt skola . Dkt FB pun slalunye aq yg tego kw dulu . Kw ckp berkwn dngn org yg kw knal jek kn ? Tk berknln mcm mne nak kenal ? I wish I could be your BFF . I promise I'll never hurt your heart . I hope so . Hmm =/

Saturday 29 September 2012

. Love Ya .

. I need you more than anything in my life .
             I want you more than anything in my life .
  I'll miss you more than anyone in my life .
             I love you more than anyone in my life .

Friday 17 August 2012


.Klaw lh kw dpt bce isi hati aq kn , haishh =( . aq slalu stalker fb kw , blog kw . Tadi aq tngok blog kw , nmpak post baru , tk snggup aq nk bace . " ILOVEYOUFORAMILLIONYEAR
" ayat tuh ! ayat yg slalu aq bagi dkt dye. skarang ? hurmm . takpe lh , kw dah ad yg baru . Kw lebih syg dye , dye chantik , pandai . Dye paling perfect dlm hidup kw kn ?  Aq nyh spe jek .
Although we already split up, I want you to know that I will always love you till I die , friend . =))


Sunday 24 June 2012

. One Love .

To my one and alone love,

I’ve been cat-and-mouse for you for so long, and now that you are actuality with me, I will never anytime let you go. We both apperceive that activity is not consistently fair. We apperceive that there will appear a time if we accept to face trials in our relationship, but we will affected because our adulation will see us through. They say promises are fabricated to broken, but I say promises is meant to be for as continued as we accept in the ability of love... I apperceive in my affection you accept it too. I am so beholden and so actual blessed that I accept begin my afterlife in you.

You are my happiness, a actual appropriate absolution God has accustomed to me. I’m so aflame spending my accomplished activity with anyone that I absolutely adulation and affliction about, spending anniversary appropriate day with all the adulation in our affection of hearts. I adulation you so abundant and will consistently adulation until forever. That's a affiance that I’ll absolutely traveling to accumulate always in my heart.

Sunday 3 June 2012

. i wishes .

. I wish...

I wish... I was your favorite girl 
I thought i was the reason you are in the world.
I wish my smile was your favorite kind of smile
I'd hold my hand when i was upset
I'd never forget the look on my face when we first met
I wish... that you loved me
I wish... that you needed me
I wish... that without me, youd be spending the rest of your nights awake
I wish... I was the last thing on your mind before you went to sleep
I wish... things were different

I wish... you'd love me like i love you

Thursday 31 May 2012

. To my one n alone love .

.  I’ve been cat-and-mouse for you for so long, and now that you are actuality with me, I will never anytime let you go. We both apperceive that activity is not consistently fair. We apperceive that there will appear a time if we accept to face trials in our relationship, but we will affected because our adulation will see us through. They say promises are fabricated to broken, but I say promises is meant to be for as continued as we accept in the ability of love... I apperceive in my affection you accept it too. I am so beholden and so actual blessed that I accept begin my afterlife in you.
You are my happiness, a actual appropriate absolution God has accustomed to me. I’m so aflame spending my accomplished activity with anyone that I absolutely adulation and affliction about, spending anniversary appropriate day with all the adulation in our affection of hearts. I adulation you so abundant and will consistently adulation until forever. That's a affiance that I’ll absolutely traveling to accumulate always in my heart.

Sunday 29 April 2012

. I will lock ure heart n I will throw the key into the ocean . ^_^

Saturday 14 April 2012

. eVeRy tHiNg AbOuT YoUU . . .

. I love every SINGLE THING abaout youu , n I don"t why ,
. You"re what I WANT .
. You make me SMILE ,
. You make me HAPPY .
. You"re always making me LAUGH .
. You always know what to say , n when to say it .
. I love that ABOUT YOU .

Friday 13 April 2012

. i"M sOrRy . . .

. Sometimes , I get jealous thinking that someone else could make you happier than I could . . .
. I guess it"s my insecurities actong up . . .
. Because i know I"m not the prettiest , smartest or most fun and exciting .
. But I do know that no matter how hard and long you look .
. You"ll never find somebody that loves you like I do .

Friday 16 March 2012

. lIfE mUsT gOeS On . . .

. no one ever said life was easy .
. there will always be someone who will break your heart .
. you may be sooo despressed .
. you just in corner and cry for hours .
. but you just have to remember .

                               LIFE MUST GOES ON 

Wednesday 14 March 2012

dEaR fRiEnDs . . .

. ure"re stupid .
. u fail .
. ure"re weird .
. ure"re not prefect .
. but , that"s oky , i"m like that too .
. we laught at the randomest things .
. u know my ugliest side .
. even though we disegree sometimes .
. we never fight , when i"m sad .
. u were always there too make sure that i"m oky .
. Thanx for being there for mee .

Saturday 10 March 2012

mY eLmO . . .

. did u see that ?
. wooo . soo chomel .
. that my bro . #DC
. nme dye khairul faeq .
. sixteen taon .
. school mne tk twu .
. tnggal mne pon tk tawu . yg tawu jaybee . heee
. dye still single .
. spe nk usha dye inbox mee .
. dye suke awek bertdong . #sopankatenye
. btw tytew syg dye sesanad .

mY tEdDy BeAr . . .


. chomel tk akak at ats nyh ?
. chomel kn .
. mcm teddy bear .
. heee .
. dye nyh Dc aq .
. nme dye UMIE NABILA .
. school SETA .
. form 3 .
. btw dye nyh gurl mael tau .#jgnagytawussiape.secret . hihihi
. kyte syg dye mcm akak kyte sndyry .
. muahhhhhxx .


. sPoNgEbOb , I lOvE yOu .

.      i love u more than spongebob loves jellyfish .
. pattrick loves trash .
. mr.krabs loves money .
. sandy loves karate .
. squidward love his clarinet .
.       but baby , i need u like plankton needs that krabby patty secret recipe .

Saturday 3 March 2012

gUyS ? ? ?

  GUYS are like STARS .
theare are MILLIONS of them .
BUT only ONE can make your
DREAM come TRUE . . .

              it"s the STAR that
                    for YOU . . .


                                                                        eyra comoy

Thursday 12 January 2012

pNtOn pCaH dARe . . .

Bermula dgn sekadar mengurat
Lalu bertemu di satu tempat
Maka tangan pun mula melorat
Lawan peluk tak kurang hebat

Bila peluk sama rapat
Nafas pun tersekat-sekat
Baju sendat turut terangkat
Gunung berluruh turut d’pnjat
Tinggi rendah,bacaan disukat
Jarum meter bepusing ligat
Lubang kosong mula tersumbat
Habis longgar dlunya ketat
Ular sakti menikam tepat
Bisa terpancut kononnya ubat
Ubat cinta tak pernah tergugat
9 bulan perut sarat
Dulu kosong skrg berat
Bila d’tnya kata terjerat
Time kangkang kononnya nikmat
Cepat lah abg cepat lah cepat
Pikir dunia tak ingat akhirat
Dapat baby di buang merempat
Masalah selesai kononnye selamat
Buat dulu pastu taubat
Tapi skrg sudah terlambat
Segala amalan di hitung di catat
Tunggu lah masa tunggu lah saat
Di akhirat kelak HANG TAKKAN SELAMATTT..

Wednesday 11 January 2012

bIyY i LoVe u . . . XP

. ish , bwing arrr , jelez aq ngok bdax2 at fb , smue ad boy , pnggel biyy lh , abg lah , jelez au ak , skola pompuan x leyh cry boy , ec , jgn hrap arr kn . . . boring arrr , aq tnggu dye mntak kapel at aq , tpy dye ckp smlm dye suke schoolmate dye , aq tau dye nk jelez kn aq , tpy psl bdax 2 aq x tau arr ,maybe btol kod  .aq x nk cnte muke buku , sbb nnty dye ajak jmper msty aq malu , erm ,hm ,boring , boring , boring ,da arrr bye LOL , XP                                        

Saturday 7 January 2012

bDaX pLeNg cHoMeL dI fAcEbOoK aQ . . . ^ ^

aN nIsA aZmAn 

sYaImA aZmI

iZzLiYaNa sAlIm

rAiHaN tAmRiAn

fAyIn iSmAiL

sAm cEnA

sAkInAh aZmAn

bIyY jUlIeT



aFiQ iZzUdDin rAsHid

kAmAl lAvEnCiE

Thursday 5 January 2012

. bAcK tO sChOl . . .

. penat nyerr skola, bru d=2 ary kod , keje skola da bnyak glerr , 1"st day jjak kaky at SETA , bengang glerr rse , skola best mmg la best , but pnat ,skola 2 besa sngt . . n ary2 jem ,

keje skola bnyak , but buku tulis aq x bly pon , mak aq lah , owg suro bly x nk bly , kn da susah ,eiiiiiii , asl aq nk bly buku jk koperasi msty pnoh glerr , then x smpat nk bly pngawas suro msok klas , gram glerr siak. . .
klau bsok aq x dpt bly buku gak mmg cm **** arrr. . . byng kn skola 2 ad 1100 murid , koperasi ad 1 , pnyek aq , dye owg smue besa2 , aq kcik  mmg knerr layak lah kn . . .  k lah mlas nak citer agy , frust aq nnty .. bye 2 . . . XP

Monday 2 January 2012

cInTa mUkA bUkU . . .

Suatu Hari Najwa Latif Pindah Ke Sekolah Baru . :D

Cikgu : Selamat berkenalan ..
Najwa : Kita berkenalan hanya dalam laman muka buku ..
Cikgu : Sat gi cikgu hantar ke guru besar baru tau ..
... ... Najwa : Kau hantar pesanan suruh aku terima kamu o..oohh ..uwouwoo..
Cikgu : Cikgu dah sakit hati ni..
Najwa : Hati ku rasa sesuatu ..
Cikgu : Sebelum kamu balik , jumpe sye kt office ...
Najwa : Dan pabila kau kata kau mahu jumpa aku ..
Cikgu : atau kamu nak sye hantar kamu dekat guru besar ..
Najwa : Ku gelisah berdebar hati rasa tak menentu o..ohh uwoouwoo
Cikgu : Cikgu rasa kamu ni dah tak betul ..
Najwa : Ohh.. ohh . uwoouwoo benarkah rasa itu ..
Cikgu : Ingat tau ! Nnt sebelum balik kamu dtg ke office jumpe sye !
Najwa : Bagaimana harus bersua .. Ku rasa gementar tp bahagia
Cikgu : Memang kalau dah ade peluang nk rotan aje kamu nie !
Najwa : Perlukah kita cari peluang pertama ..
Cikgu : Sye dah agak.. Hang nie bermasalah..
Najwa : Walaupun kita tak pernah berjumpa..
Cikgu : Otak sye nie dah sarat dengan mcm2 masalah.. Kamu nie buat.. !
Najwa : Banyak persoalan yang berada di minda ..
Pelajar lain menyampuk : Cikgu nie banyak tanye la..
Najwa : Banyak tanda tanya dan juga kata kerja ..
Cikgu Disiplin : Cikgu , jom pergi lunch ngan sye ..
Cikgu : Arrgghh ! Tak nak ! Nak settle kes Najwa nie..
Najwa : Otak kata jangan hati pula kata ya ..
Cikgu : Tak menentu aku dibuatnya..
Najwa : Hidup tak menentu adakah ini cinta ..
Cikgu : Konfius !!
Najwa : Banyak soalan bnyk juga jawapannya ..
Pelajar lain : Kalau ikut hati , cikgu kami memang nk bunuh hang ni .. adoii !
Najwa : Kata hati dan rasa tak dibiar saja ..
Cikgu Disiplin : Masuk bilik sye nk jalankan operasi merotan ..
Najwa : Setiap yang berlaku ada kebaikannya , harus pejam mata & cuba apa saja ..
Cikgu Disiplin : Kamu pandang muka sye ni ..
Najwa : Dan pabila kau renung tajam2 mata aku ...
Cikgu Disiplin : CIkgu , cikgu rasa kita patut report kt encik latif ke ..
Cikgu : Aku rasa ..
Najwa : Ku rasa sesuatu yang ku tak tahu ..
Cikgu : Najwa !! Ape semua nie ?!
Najwa : O..ohh uwoouwoo .. Ini cinta remaja ku ..
Cikgu : Cinta ? Dengar baik2 kata2 cikgu nie..
Najwa : Dan pabila kau katakan kau suka aku ..
Cikgu Disiplin : Sudah ! Diam !!!
Najwa : Ku terdiam terkedu tak tahu mana nk tuju o.ooh.. uwoouwoo..
Cikgu Disiplin : Cikgu ! CInta ape yg dia merepek ni ?!
Najwa : Itulah cinta yg satu ..
Cikgu Disiplin , Cikgu & Najwa : CInta di muka buku ...

lOvE rInG . .. .

girlfriend: awak .. saya nak cincin hubungan kita
boyfriend :untuk ape ? malas la .. awak .. petang ni kita jumpa tempat biasa ok ..
girlfriend :hurm .. yelah..

boyfriend : awak .. cuba tutup mata awak .. saya nak bagi hadiah ..
girlfrend :hadiah? .. ok ..
boyfriend : ok .. cuba tengok ni .. saya belikan patung beruang untuk awak ..
girlfriend : awak ! saya tak nak patung beruang .. saya nak cincin hubungan kita !
( sambil membaling patung beruang itu di jalan raya )

lelaki itu pun terus berlari dan mendapatkan patung itu balik dan berada dalam gengamannya .. tiba-tiba sebuah bas meluru ke arah lelaki tersebut dan badannya di gilis sehingga lelaki tersebut tidak berdaya untuk bergerak .. lalu perempuan tersebut menjerit .. dalam keadaan yang bergegas .. perempuan mengambil patung di tangan lelaki tersebut dan tiba-tiba patung itu berkata ..

' you .. see in my pocket.. '

dan terlihatnya satu cincin yang sangat cantik .. dan patung itu terus berkata .. will you marry me ?? ..
di saat itu .. mengalirnya air mata perempuan tersebut ..
tetapi sudah terlambat untuk menyesal .. kerana lelaki tersebut sudah pun pergi untuk selama-lamanya ..

All Right Reserved By Eyra Comoy