Saturday 24 December 2011

. sHuK aKa AhMaD sHuKrI . . .

       ^ ^ .hoyooo , assalammualaikum ! x jawab dose .... hehehe . aq nak citerr psl bdax at ats nyh . . . nmpak x ? x nmpak buterr , chomel kn ? huhuhu , kowg knal x saper nyh ? x knal kn ? hehe . . dye nyh la boy aq , hoho , x de lah , dye nyh kwn aq , rapat lah jgak an , actually , aq knal dye nyh sbb dye sdare hurul , hurul 2 erm nth loe kwn aq kod . . . . kyteowg slalu skype ary2 , nak tau x mcm mnerr aq bleyhh rapat ngan dye , cam nyh cite dye , once upon the time , hahah , ary 2 dye ttbe chat ngan aq , dlm kul bpe tah an tpy tgah mlm arrr , kyteowg chat - chat then ttbe dye tnyerr aq single ke x , aq ckp la single , then dye ajax wat fake relay , aq pon on jk la bwing status single , sjak dry ary 2 aq rapat ngan dye , then ary2 aq skype ngan dye , aq citer bnder laen lak , oky cite tntang profile dye lak ae , nmerr dye ahmad shukri bin abd malek  .... umo dyer 14 taon , sco0l at SAB , dye stay tman suria , dye skerr makan nasi ayam kunyit , dye skerr teh o ice limau , dye skerr wanerr purple n pink#mcm gugurl kn , hahah , attitude dye , oky la , baek , friendly , funny guy , but one thing aq x skerr psl dye , dye skerr wat aq bengang ,bnde yg pling aq bncy skly ... grrr >_< .... ap lgy ek ? ntah la , da lah 2 jewp , bobye , see ya , assalammualaikum , ^_^ , muah sked . . . muahxXx :* . . .

Tuesday 20 December 2011

nUr fAtIn aKa aTyN . . .

. yoyoyoy , aq ny citerr bdax pompuan at ats ny , kowg tau x ny sape ? x tau an ? haha , urm dye ny nak kter BFF , bleyh la , kteowg rpat at skola , aq nak citer psal pragay dye , fyi , bdax ny baek ngan aq , tpy ad skid gs arr ,wawa , at skola dye la yg pleng gilerrr n pleng bergayerr skly , btw , dye ny da taken , kowg nmpak x bdax laky at blakng dye 2 , 2 Adeq Aidil ,#aq x tau nmerr dye ap , boy dye , ncem x ? errr , boleyh  la,#bwekk :P , klau kowg nk knal ngan dye an , add at Nurfatin Ismail ,#ank pak mail tau , hahaha , ap lagy ek , urm , that's all 4 today , nnty aq cite lagy , psal bdax laen lak , bubye ,,,, muahxXx skeddd , luv kowg laju2 , , , hahahah , , , ,

Thursday 15 December 2011

bDaX cOmEy . .

hoyo , nak cite ny , na cite psal bdax at ats ny , cute kn bdax ny yg aq citerr , dye chomel + smart

cArTa hAtY bY nAjWa lAtIf . . .

. engkau dudok dy sytu ,
. diam tersypu malu ,
. mahu mndekaty aq ,

. aq mulai resah ,
. haty ku jady kebah ,
. mlihat drymu aq rebah ,

. tpy hty ini , kuat mnyatakn ,
. kau terkini ddok dy carta hty ,
#.( lalu cnta kyta bermula ,
. dry mata tron ke jiwa ,
. dry tman mnjady cnta ,
. dan berjanjy untok setia ,

. sehydop smaty kita ,
. mnjanjy kn bhagia ,
. untuk kyta berdue slamanya) ,

. hooo , lalalalalalala , haaaaa , mmm ,

. jngan engkau jngan pergy ,
. jngan tinggal ku sndyry ,
. jngan tnggal kn carta haty ,

. kau jnjy kn bhagia ,
. ku jnjy kau x terluka ,
. trus lh berada dy carta haty kita .

. lalalala , hoooo , haaaaa , mmmm .

. repeat # .

cArTa hAtI bY nAjWa lAtIf . .

Thursday 8 December 2011

iYeIyE . .

BOMMMM!!! arghhhh , aq x tau arrr nk type ap , mnysal ad blog,  hahaha ,tpy aq skerr ngok blog owg , lawa , dye update blog dye owg pon pnjng glerr , aq mlaz nk wat cm 2 , dye owg kretiv , pnday wat blog , aq nk suwo dye owg wat kn tpy malu la, hek #poyo nyh , blog aq burok glerrr . x rty nk wat la , ssiape yg baek tlong la designkn ksi cun nye , peace you ... bye , muahx , luv kowg laju2 , bhahahax .....

Monday 5 December 2011

bElievE iN loVE 4 aLl wAyS . . . .

. i believe in lov . . the most important thing is that you understand each other . and even when times are quiet and you don"t have anything to talk to . you are able to enjoy that quiet time together . throught thick and thin you stick together . no small arguments should tear you two apart . in life you will go through thick and thin together , in finding out if you really are meant for each other . . .  ^_^

Saturday 3 December 2011

bArAbEng bArAbOnG . . .

Friday 2 December 2011

bArAbEnG bArAbOnG ....

Thursday 1 December 2011

:< . . . .

you know what"s really sad ? i"ll spend the rest of my life trying to forget you n you"ll spend the rest of ure"s , never thinking about me again  . when you told that we would be together forever , i thought that meant until we died , but . . . . i guess foreever isn"t as long as it used to , . . . . . is it . . . . . .

Wednesday 30 November 2011

tHiNkInG oF yOu.....

i miss you my dear , each night , i stay awake , thingking of you my love . . . .

tRuSt ......

it"s hard to trust someone , when everyone you ever opened up . ure heard to down and pushed you away......

i CaN't lEt U gO...

i may not get to see you as often as i like ,i may not get to hold u in my arms all through the night . but , deep in my heart  . i truly know , ure're the one that i love , m i cam't let u go......

Tuesday 22 November 2011

aTyN bOnGgOk....

Sunday 20 November 2011


she is unperfact girls and has to face many problem .she always crying everyday and every night and hope that one day her prince charming will come and save her from all the evil around her .hopely she will live happyly ever after.


Friendship is having the kindness to help
Friendship is giving to others without thinking
Friendship could be lending a hand to a project
Friendship is being there when someone need you
Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive
Friendship is never counting favors
Friendship is listening
Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to
Friendship can be many things
Friendship is different for everyone
Friendship could be holding a hand for support
Friendship is lending your shoulder or wiping a tear
Friendship is giving back
Friendship is only taking that what you need
Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day
Friendship can be that voice of reason you give
Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed
Friendship is show in many different ways
Friendship can be everlasting
Friendship is not always an easy thing
Friendship should never be taken for granted
Friendship is meant to be shared with all
Friendship is free and rewarding to share
Friendship can be unforgettable
Friendship is priceless to many
All these things and many more are how I see friendship
But to have a true Best Friend is the highest level you can achieve
Best friends are up there with family
Best friends stay around for the really hard things
Best friends feel each other’s moods and feelings
Best friends are not a dime a dozen
Best friends don’t come around all the time
Best friends are a lot like soul mates
We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them

Thursday 17 November 2011


echok gy uss...
x saba nye ...
nak maen smue game at snerrr,,,,

Wednesday 16 November 2011


yeyeye!!iqlil jtoh kosi ...
sdap x??
laen kly jtoh lgy k...


x saba nye echok nak gy uss....
x saba nye...

Thursday 10 November 2011


ala...fon knerr rmpasss...mcm sial pompuan ny....seke hty aq la nk bwk fon gy skola ke x nk.....bkn nye belaja pon....2 pon nk rmpas....kau egat aq bly fon 2 gne duit kau sial la puih....

Saturday 30 July 2011

i love you....

i want to wake up next to you ,eat break fast with you ,get changed with you,play computer games with you,watching movies with you in bed,hold your hand and watch tv,sent you cutes text,buy you gifts,nap together,wear your comfy hoody when i'm cold,look into your eyes,be with you at sunrise and sunset,cook for you,walk in the rain with you,fall asleep whilst on the phone,snuggle in bed,mess up you hair,kiss you goodnight.....


... ...枯燥的LA沒有情侶....

Thursday 28 July 2011

gleyh arrr....

asl aq suke skit kn hty sndiri ek...da elok dye berkwn ngan aq jdy kn dye bncy at aq...nape la ngan aq ....klau mcm 2 aq nk ckp da x ske dyeeeeeee............dye lbih tue dry aq......x sesuai untk nk jdy singleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee         4 evrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....INSYAALAH.... HUHUHU....

Saturday 23 July 2011


aq rse aq x ptot la bgy tau dye yg aq ske dye....dye kn da anggp aq mcm adq dye...lgy pon umo aq ngan dye an beza...

Friday 22 July 2011


aq kt dpn mte kau pon kau x nmpak an,,...x pe lh kau kn da anggp aq mcm adq kau....kau suro aq cry kn awek...ok aq cry kn....

Monday 18 July 2011

pompuan glerrr.....



ary ny bosan arrrr,,,,mcm owg glerr da aq ckp sowg2....budax2 at fb smue glerr....asik2 hye how are are u....mnyakit kn hty btol...tpy x pe saba....echok mcty best....xxxx....x best sbb bsok kne mnghadap mke pompuan gle 2 agy...grrrrr....bosan nye....kan bgoz klau aq jdy mcm atyn....ckp jek x nak skola ...tinggg....troz x skola....

Sunday 17 July 2011

ap nak jdy...

1. salam. Blh sy kenal awk? Sy tertarik dgn prwatakan sopan awk. 
Dah lama sy prhatikn awk. Awk dak baik n sy trtarik la dgn tudung labuh awk.
 Sy harap kite bleh brkenalan.. ukhuwah fillah org x terer sgt arab ni…

2. Trima kasih krn mnerima sy. Sy akan try sedaya upaya sy mnjaga awk dan

 mgikut syariat. Sy tau sy bukan baik sgt, tp demi Allah, sy cuba buat yg trbaik utk awk…

3. Ingat tau, jaga aurat leklok..jgn bagi org lain nmpk..kuar ngan kwn2 tau.. jgn sorg2..

blk contact sy doakan awk selalu..

4. awak,nape x contact sy. Sy risau awk kuar sy xde hak pun..

sy tau sy percaye awk, tp sy x tau la nk kate cmne. Kite slalu nmpk dari jauh je ek.
Tp sy rasa awk mcm dkt je ngan sy. Mgkn ni org kate cinta kot, wak..awk cinta sy x?
 xnk bgtau.. tp sy tau awk cinta sy..
awk da malu nk jln tmpt sy lepak sbb malukan?..kih3. .tq.. i love u too..

5. Wak,selain family, Allah dan rasulnyer.. awk sayang sape ek? Sape saya dlm hati awk?

6. Wak wak..dr kawan kite just pggl sy awk je..mcm x special plk diri sy utk awk. 

sy tringin gak nk jd cm room8 sy ni. Pggl syg.. bole ke? Awk pggl sy bi ek?
 Rasa mcm baby sket. X salah kan.. just panggilan je..thanks syg.. love u... ..

7. Yang. kekdang bi tgk syg ni mcm x prcaya bi je. Yela, bi just tanya syg pkai apa je kan ..

tq ek gtau, mkin dalam pulak rindu kat syg ni... .hihihi..

8. Yang bi nak syg tau, sayanglah segalanya utk bi, syg la pmberi semangat utk bi...

 yang... harap bi ngan syg xde rahsia lagi ek.. jgn risau..inikan membuktikan
 bi caring.. so jgn risau..k..yeye. . bi janji kan jaga rahsia kite..
just msg je u..papai.. mmuahh!

9. Syg..da lama kite msg, leh kite jumpe x? ye..ayang bwk la kawan2 k..tq yunk! i love u.... ..

10. Tq pggl bi ngan pgglan abg.. abg tggu lame da..abg tau..kite x leh pakse dlm iqra hafiddin..hehe. . sikit sikit je..kih3..

11. Hi syg, watpe 2? Nk ckp sket.. nape syg bwk satu battalion nak jumpa abg?...

 syg x caye kat abg eh.. huhu..

12. Syg..kite jumpe k?..abg suka syg pakai tudung yg abg beli wardina lak..

bkn syg x cntk.. just nmpk mkn cntk la..nipis sikit je.. nnt jumpa nnt syg bwk sorg dah la k..

13. Syg..abg sory ngan apa jd td.. abg trsentuh jari syg td.. Tol gak ckp syg eh,

 trsentuh xpe..TER.. hehe..makin tebal la pulak cinta abg kat syg..

14. Thanks jumpa td, syg cntk la.. Ololo..abg romantik sket pun salah ke? 

Ske abg romantik ek? Hehe.. Eh, td jumpa abg da berani tenung abg ek..hoho.. 
tgk td kwn syg cam ske kat kwn abg je.. senang la kita jumpa pasni.. tgk..
Allah memberkati hubungan kite.. syg solat dah ke? 
Doakan abg skali ek..miss u..

15. syg..just nk tanya.. syg cinta bg berapa percent? Apa tandanya eh? 50% je...

 huhu..yang. . just nk tanya..rambut syg panjang x? just thinking of u at the moment…

16. Td terbeli tudung pendek.. yg abg bg kat syg tu.. la gmbr syg 

special untuk abg yg pakai tudung td 2.. Cntk nye syg..gambar ni nak wat wallpaper
 hp ngan kompter abg la..

17. Yang.. syg cintakan abg berapa percent? Sepenuh hati Thanks u too.. 

abg janji, abg akan jaga syg baik2 dan xkan tinggalkan syg...

18. Syg..da lame kita couple kan.. xkan abg pegang tgn pun nak marah.. 

Syg kan milik abg.. Thank 4 being understanding. .

19. Syg kata Syg cintakan abg sepenuh hati.. kalu gitu..apa buktinya

 Syg cintakan abg..?


20. huh!... syg mengndung? tahu kat ne... cube check balik dgn doktor... xkan sekali buat dah mengandung, check balik k..

21. huh! btol la syg mengndung ni?? syg, utk kebaikan kita berdua, lebih baik syg gugurkan 

kandungan tu.. gugurkan k..

22. Nape plak xnak? xberdosa la klu bunuh benda yang masing xbernyawa.....

gugurkan jelah!!! jgn buat masalah bleh x!!

23. xsakitlah!!! nape manje sangat ni! xkan bnda mudah cam tu pun xbleh buat..

24. sori syg, abg xbleh temankan syg ke klinik tu, abg malu klu 

terserempak dgn family or member,malu la abg klu diorg nmpak abg bwk syg 
dgn perut syg yg besar tu..

25. Ape!! RM 5,000?? kau yg mengandung... kau cari sendiri la duit nak

 gugurkan anak tu.. bukan masalah aku.. lantak kau la... bukan masalah aku jgak 
keluarga kau pulau kau.. kau tu yg bodoh!! kau ingat kau tu cantik sgt?? 
aku dah xingin kat kau!! pergi mmpos!

26. jgn kol n msg lg bleh x?!.. aku sbuk.. xde masa nk layan kau!...

27.(terputus hubungan)
- wanita itu mati akibat kegagalan proses penguguran..
- si lelaki mencari mangsa baru..
- dan kejadian terus berulang..

4 ure luvv...

~♥~♥~♥~ Bukan laut namanya jika airnya tidak berombak. Bukan cinta namanya jika perasaan tidak pernah terluka. Bukan kekasih namanya jika hatinya tidak pernah merindu dan cemburu. ~♥~♥~♥~

awq tlong bce psanan sye...

hati sya skang hnya t0k awk..
sy adlh t0k awk,,
sy akn mnjd tman tika duka awk,,
sy xkn tgglkn awk...
e2 jnji sy..
mgkn awk da x pndg jnji2 yg sy taburkn,,
tp sy tulus dlm jnji2 sy...
sy prcykn awk...
sy serahkan blk kprcyaan sy pda awk...
sy harap awk tdak akn mngkhianati sy..
bila tba masanya kita akn dipshkn 0r terpsh..

sy ttp syg awk..
as my bel0ved c0uple...
sy akn ttp syg awk smpai bile2...
engt 2,,
I alwayz lurv n miss U syg...

bOy: ye , sy da lme tggu saat ny ...
girl: awk akn tnggalkn sy kew ??
bOy: x jgn pk cm tuhh, x mngkin t`jdy
girl: awk cntekn sy ??
bOy: ye , tiap2 ary...
girl: awk pnh tpu sy x ??
bOy: x, npew awk asyIk tnyew cmtu ...
girl: awk still ingt jnji awk ??
bOy: ye , of coz ....
girl: awk akn curAng ngn sy x ???
bOy: glew kew !! mcty la x!! sy bkn bOy cmtu ....
girl: ley kew sy cyew awk ??
bOy: ye ..
girl: syg ....
...then , bce dr bwAh kE ataS ..

bace and fahamkan !!

sial arrr...

spe la yg nak kne kan aq ny.....smue owg ckp at aq ...
hye.,how are u...
wanna laugh???
what that"s mean...
what video...
aq x leh ngok lak video 2....
sial arrr...puihhh....

kn btol....

kan btol 1 mnit jek boleh jtoh cnte....pffff....
bwing arr jdy single....

Saturday 16 July 2011


mcm mne ek nak lpe kan dye....
mngambil mse 1 mnit untk jatuh cnte....
1 jam untk syg....
1 hry untk mncitai....
mlepukn dye mngambl mse sumr idop....


lawa backgroud smart

Friday 15 July 2011


dpt pon wat blog....

All Right Reserved By Eyra Comoy