Saturday 24 December 2011

. sHuK aKa AhMaD sHuKrI . . .

       ^ ^ .hoyooo , assalammualaikum ! x jawab dose .... hehehe . aq nak citerr psl bdax at ats nyh . . . nmpak x ? x nmpak buterr , chomel kn ? huhuhu , kowg knal x saper nyh ? x knal kn ? hehe . . dye nyh la boy aq , hoho , x de lah , dye nyh kwn aq , rapat lah jgak an , actually , aq knal dye nyh sbb dye sdare hurul , hurul 2 erm nth loe kwn aq kod . . . . kyteowg slalu skype ary2 , nak tau x mcm mnerr aq bleyhh rapat ngan dye , cam nyh cite dye , once upon the time , hahah , ary 2 dye ttbe chat ngan aq , dlm kul bpe tah an tpy tgah mlm arrr , kyteowg chat - chat then ttbe dye tnyerr aq single ke x , aq ckp la single , then dye ajax wat fake relay , aq pon on jk la bwing status single , sjak dry ary 2 aq rapat ngan dye , then ary2 aq skype ngan dye , aq citer bnder laen lak , oky cite tntang profile dye lak ae , nmerr dye ahmad shukri bin abd malek  .... umo dyer 14 taon , sco0l at SAB , dye stay tman suria , dye skerr makan nasi ayam kunyit , dye skerr teh o ice limau , dye skerr wanerr purple n pink#mcm gugurl kn , hahah , attitude dye , oky la , baek , friendly , funny guy , but one thing aq x skerr psl dye , dye skerr wat aq bengang ,bnde yg pling aq bncy skly ... grrr >_< .... ap lgy ek ? ntah la , da lah 2 jewp , bobye , see ya , assalammualaikum , ^_^ , muah sked . . . muahxXx :* . . .

Tuesday 20 December 2011

nUr fAtIn aKa aTyN . . .

. yoyoyoy , aq ny citerr bdax pompuan at ats ny , kowg tau x ny sape ? x tau an ? haha , urm dye ny nak kter BFF , bleyh la , kteowg rpat at skola , aq nak citer psal pragay dye , fyi , bdax ny baek ngan aq , tpy ad skid gs arr ,wawa , at skola dye la yg pleng gilerrr n pleng bergayerr skly , btw , dye ny da taken , kowg nmpak x bdax laky at blakng dye 2 , 2 Adeq Aidil ,#aq x tau nmerr dye ap , boy dye , ncem x ? errr , boleyh  la,#bwekk :P , klau kowg nk knal ngan dye an , add at Nurfatin Ismail ,#ank pak mail tau , hahaha , ap lagy ek , urm , that's all 4 today , nnty aq cite lagy , psal bdax laen lak , bubye ,,,, muahxXx skeddd , luv kowg laju2 , , , hahahah , , , ,

Thursday 15 December 2011

bDaX cOmEy . .

hoyo , nak cite ny , na cite psal bdax at ats ny , cute kn bdax ny yg aq citerr , dye chomel + smart

cArTa hAtY bY nAjWa lAtIf . . .

. engkau dudok dy sytu ,
. diam tersypu malu ,
. mahu mndekaty aq ,

. aq mulai resah ,
. haty ku jady kebah ,
. mlihat drymu aq rebah ,

. tpy hty ini , kuat mnyatakn ,
. kau terkini ddok dy carta hty ,
#.( lalu cnta kyta bermula ,
. dry mata tron ke jiwa ,
. dry tman mnjady cnta ,
. dan berjanjy untok setia ,

. sehydop smaty kita ,
. mnjanjy kn bhagia ,
. untuk kyta berdue slamanya) ,

. hooo , lalalalalalala , haaaaa , mmm ,

. jngan engkau jngan pergy ,
. jngan tinggal ku sndyry ,
. jngan tnggal kn carta haty ,

. kau jnjy kn bhagia ,
. ku jnjy kau x terluka ,
. trus lh berada dy carta haty kita .

. lalalala , hoooo , haaaaa , mmmm .

. repeat # .

cArTa hAtI bY nAjWa lAtIf . .

Thursday 8 December 2011

iYeIyE . .

BOMMMM!!! arghhhh , aq x tau arrr nk type ap , mnysal ad blog,  hahaha ,tpy aq skerr ngok blog owg , lawa , dye update blog dye owg pon pnjng glerr , aq mlaz nk wat cm 2 , dye owg kretiv , pnday wat blog , aq nk suwo dye owg wat kn tpy malu la, hek #poyo nyh , blog aq burok glerrr . x rty nk wat la , ssiape yg baek tlong la designkn ksi cun nye , peace you ... bye , muahx , luv kowg laju2 , bhahahax .....

Monday 5 December 2011

bElievE iN loVE 4 aLl wAyS . . . .

. i believe in lov . . the most important thing is that you understand each other . and even when times are quiet and you don"t have anything to talk to . you are able to enjoy that quiet time together . throught thick and thin you stick together . no small arguments should tear you two apart . in life you will go through thick and thin together , in finding out if you really are meant for each other . . .  ^_^

Saturday 3 December 2011

bArAbEng bArAbOnG . . .

Friday 2 December 2011

bArAbEnG bArAbOnG ....

Thursday 1 December 2011

:< . . . .

you know what"s really sad ? i"ll spend the rest of my life trying to forget you n you"ll spend the rest of ure"s , never thinking about me again  . when you told that we would be together forever , i thought that meant until we died , but . . . . i guess foreever isn"t as long as it used to , . . . . . is it . . . . . .

All Right Reserved By Eyra Comoy